tim burton's alice

The first image of Alice in Tim Burton's "Alice" [in Wonderland]. You have to scroll down the forums there to see it, as well as the rest of the article it came from which contains some concept art from the "dinner scene".

"Last House on the Left" director Dennis Iliadis has his next film lined up, called "Cure". It's written by the guy who wrote "Max Payne" (yikes), and is about "a young man who sends his wife for an experimental treatment to save her from a terminal illness. Although she returns completely cured, she is suddenly infected with something more terrifying." After "Last House", I'm very excited to see what Iliadis can do with some original material, so count me in.

French director Laurent Briet is close to landing the gig directing "The Strangers 2", which will take place in a trailer park. The sequel is to be based on a script by Brian Bertino, writer/director of the original.

Margot Kidder has joined the cast of "H2" or "Halloween 2"... or, what was for a few minutes last night on Zombie's blog called "Halloween: The Devil Walks Among Us". That info was taken down pretty quickly, but it should mean we'll be getting an official title pretty soon. As for Kidder? Ah whatever. It just puts him one step closer to fitting every out of work actor from the 70's and 80's into this film. Shouldn't be distracting AT ALL.