"Gobstopper" Trailer Assaults SXSW

I was emailed this recently and thought it was too good to pass up. It's literally, and I mean LITERALLY, one of the greatest things I have ever seen. It's a fake trailer for a film called "Gobstopper" starring Christopher Lloyd (!) Check out the description and the video below... you won't believe what you're seeing.

I would also like to thank this video for giving me my new favorite pickup line, "My BONER's got weird old candy bars!"

It's a fake trailer for a movie called "Gobstopper" that we premiered at SXSW this week without telling the audience it was a joke. Essentially a cross between Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Saw, the movie features a demented Willy Wonka (played brilliantly by Back to the Future's Christopher Lloyd) terrorizing a group of teens that come to visit his Chocolate Factory. The teens are played by Zach Gilford (Friday Night Lights), Paul Rust (I Love You, Beth Cooper), Martha Maclsaac (Superbad), and Nicky Whelan. The always entertaining Paul Sheer (Human Giant) and Wee Man (Jackass) also make appearances.

Eric N

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Podcast Host

Eric is the mad scientist behind the BGH podcast. He enjoys retro games, tiny dogs, eating fiber and anything whimsical.