Horror Headlines: Monday January 17th, 2011

There's new Canadian trailer for "Scream 4" out on the tubes that's chock full of new clips and magic. How you can tell it's Canadian is because they dubbed in a bunch of "aboots" and instead of a knife the ghost faced guy is running around with a bottle of maple syrup. Subtle, I know.

"Atrocious" is a new Spanish found footage flick which doesn't look to far off from your "Paranormal Activity" and "Blair Witch Project". Of course it is a lot more caliente, but that goes without saying. That's the only ignorant thing I'm going to say about the new trailer though, I already filled my daily quota with the maple syrup thing.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is going to direct a new movie called "Wait Till Helen Comes" which focuses on a family that move into a house that use to be a church and discover a ghost. They then whisper creepy things to the ghost like "hey ghost, you sure are spooky, want to go into our new hot tub?". Ya know, because Hewitt has another show called "The Ghost Whisperer". Get it? Comic gold!

There's been enough one sheets for "Hobo With a Shotgun" to choke a camel but I'm a sucker for the old school grindhouse looking type posters so here's this new one. I'm not sure if the film is ever actually going to be coming out but posters are cool, so we'll just keep going with that.

In Real People News: 

Aww that's so cute! A toddler in Florida recently called 911 to get the message that his father was being bad to Santa. The story takes a turn for the worse though when the boy was arrested and is now serving 3 to 4 in a maximum security prison for the false alarm call. On the bright side, his little tear drop tattoo is to die for.

Let this be a lesson to you kids, don't mess with the substitute teacher! Because if you get a nut job like this one you may end up getting punched in the face when he gets fed up with you and the rest of the 8 years olds throwing spit balls.


Podcast Co-Host/Writer/Beer Drinker Extraordinaire

Drinking beer I enjoy for good time and make relaxation for everyone. Disney World is my land favorite time for me. Horror movies? Yes. That’s me for a nutshell.