From Russia With Love, It's "Night Fighter"

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not so up on world events, but I can’t be the only one who is surprised by the trailer for the new Russian horror film “Night Fighter”. Last I heard people were waiting in line three hours for a loaf of bread, but now I see they have roller blades, video games and doggie style. Welcome to the modern world mother Russia!

Now bare with me because I’m not 100% sure about the plot of this film. My best guess is that a soon to be mail order bride has a real passion for video games and accidentally brings some monsters from the computer to life. She is then left to battle them with all kinds of cool crap that she cooks up. Lots of people die and the finale finds the monsters and our hero both battling over a loaf of bread and some old shoes. Like I said I’m not real clear on the details.

Anyway right now there is no US release date for the film but we’ll keep our fingers crossed. You can check out the trailer below though and look for the film's star at a strip club near you in the not-too-distant future. Svidaniya!


Podcast Co-Host/Writer/Beer Drinker Extraordinaire

Drinking beer I enjoy for good time and make relaxation for everyone. Disney World is my land favorite time for me. Horror movies? Yes. That’s me for a nutshell.