Satan's Facebook

Good news if you hate 3D, "My Soul to Take" had the worst opening for a 3D movie to date, making roughly $6.9 million this past weekend. I'd love to see the breakdown of people who saw it that weren't forced to because they're on a podcast.

John Carpenter suffered a minor stroke this past Saturday at the Spooky Empire convention in Orlando. The bad ass part? He returned to the convention on Sunday to continue meetings fans. He also bit the head off of one. Alright that last part's a lie.

Producer Bryan Fuller recently dropped some info on his upcoming reboot of "The Munsters" TV series. It's being described a combo of "Modern Family" and "True Blood" which to me sounds like a bunch of vampires who are related screwing each other. Hollywood is a bunch of sickos.

If you've all being waiting for the next Indonesian flick to hit the states you can finally get some sleep because "Satan's Facebook" is coming. There's really no reason to explain what this is about, from the title alone you should be excited and if you're not you're a racist. There, I said it.