Blood Fare

I don't know what comes later, the last exorcism or "Legion: The Final Exorcism" but I do know that one had Rowdy Roddy Piper in it. Here's a hint, it's not the one that was in theaters. You can check out the new trailer though, which also doesn't include Rowdy Roddy Piper but I swear to god he's somewhere in the actual film.

Holy mother of god! It's a horror movie about a micro-brewery that pisses off a group of witches? It's like this movie was made for me. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "Witch's Brew"!

Here's a new poster for "Section 7" which I'm guessing is about something awful that happens out in the ocean on an oil rig. I'm just spit balling here. I bet someone says "Drill baby drill" at some point too, that would be funny.

I'm not saying it's a slow news day but here's a new trailer for "Blood Fare" staring Gil Gerard. Yeah you read right, Buck Rogers is in a new horror flick. I hope that robot Twiki is in there too, that little guy was awesome.