Oh Snap, Amy Poehler's Moose rap

You know, there was a lot of funny stuff going on on SNL this weekend. You had Alec Baldwin talking to Sarah Palin backstage and repeatedly calling her "Tina". You even had Mark Wahlberg coming face to face with Andy Samberg, presumably talking about what it's like to have strangely similar last names. In fact, all the commotion garnered SNL the show's highest rating in over 13 years.

But, none of that mattered. In the following video, you can witness Amy Poehler giving one of the most sublimely awesome rap performances in the history of the universe... all while being so pregnant she looks like she's going to pop at any moment, and sitting next to a strangely comfortable looking Sarah Palin. Maybe this chick is ready to be the Vice President after all, since sitting next to that madness with a straight face is no small feat.

I don't know, I just find something really cool about the fact that all of a sudden the women are the biggest draws on this show. It's probably the first time in SNL's history when they weren't being overshadowed by their male counterparts. It's too bad that Poehler will be leaving after this season, although in another 20 years it's probably a safe bet that her offspring will be just as funny.

And as if it needs to be said, I think this is the final official pwnage that needs to be handed down before the SNL haters can officially be silenced.

Eric N

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Podcast Host

Eric is the mad scientist behind the BGH podcast. He enjoys retro games, tiny dogs, eating fiber and anything whimsical.