Horror Hound Issue #12 On Stands Now

After the last issue inexplicably didn't feature any of my writing (seriously, what was the deal with that?) Issue #12 of Horror Hound Magazine comes back with a vengeance, hitting stands today (Wednesday) and featuring three pieces of my writing. First off, the entire issue is one big tribute to the "Halloween" series (save for part III, which had it's own retrospective a few issues ago).

I personally got the chance to write about "H4: The Return of Michael Myers", and "H6: The Curse of Michael Myers". Both are really interesting entries in the series for obvious reasons, and both have been favorites of mine for a long time. The cover was designed by Ed Repka, who is famous for the artwork he's done for a plethora of metal bands, including Iron Maiden and Three Inches of Blood.

Also, this issue features a "lost slashers" article, in which I had the chance to write a blurb about one of my favorites, "The Burning".

My Editor Nate has informed me that Borders has tripled their stock of the magazine this time around, so it should be easier to find than in the past. We're also carried in Barnes and Nobles as well as other major book sellers. The key is though, it's important to get out TODAY, or very soon thereafter, as the copies sell out very fast.

And as Nate would say, if you like what you see you should really consider subscribing, since you'll save a pretty penny off the cover price. Check the link above for direct buy and subscription options. Hope you have as much fun reading this issue as I had writing for it.

Eric N

Co-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Podcast Host

Eric is the mad scientist behind the BGH podcast. He enjoys retro games, tiny dogs, eating fiber and anything whimsical.