Henry Selick on Making "Coraline"

Apparently Amazon.com asked "Coraline" director Henry Selick to write a one-off guest blog entry about the inspiration for and genesis of the film. In case you've been trapped in a pocket dimension or fighting evil sex vampires on a remote island for the past year, "Coraline" is beautiful, and definitely worth seeing for the inventive stop-motion animation.

It takes 22 months from conception to birth to produce a new baby elephant. The gestation for the Alpine black salamander can be three years. Coraline beats them both with a total of eight and a half years--two years to write the screenplay, three years to find a studio and a distributor bold enough to make a spooky film for kids, and three and a half years to actually make the movie from green-light to release. As Neil likes to say, it took just long enough to get things right on Coraline.

You can read the rest of Selick's guest blog for Amazon here. It's consistently entertaining and clever, and gives some important glimpses into the process of making the film. The passage where he lists some of the different ways the film could have come out if it had been green-lit earlier is a pretty fascinating look at how industry forces can shape a movie - in this case, for the better!

